Thursday, February 23, 2012

Quiet Time: Meditation in School

I’ve come across this interesting article about Visitacion Valley Middle School in San Francisco where both students and faculty sit in quiet meditation for fifteen minutes at the beginning and end of each day. Everyone is encouraged to meditate or simply clear his or her mind. At the very least, everyone is asked to be still and quiet, even if that means falling asleep. 

The results are impressive. Students are reporting that they have more energy throughout the day, less anxiety and higher levels of concentration. Attendance has improved and overall grades are higher. Some are even continuing their meditative practices at home.

There is something of great value to be learned by these young students. Dedicating small amounts of time to stillness and reflection connect us to our spirit. When we connect to our true nature, that is where we can access an infinite amount of energy, peace and creativity. An inward focus improves the quality of our outward expressions. I would love to see more schools and businesses participating in similar programs. 

These students inspired me and I hope they’ve inspired you.  I think that I will follow in their footsteps and spend a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day meditating. I've always wanted to commit to a meditative practice and now is the right time. I invite you to try it as well, even for just one week.  I’d love to hear if 7 days of meditation can create a change in your way of being in this world.

grace & gratitude,

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